ECONOWATT’s ® (Micro Bubble Dissolved Air Flotation) system is an automatic and effectively reduce oil and grease that is soluble by more than 95%.
General oil and grease removal, such as grease trap tank, is a device for extracting fat from water but it can extract floating oil on the water surface only. It is not possible to get rid of oil and fat in soluble form, called emulsion, when the waste water enters the next wastewater treatment system, such as aeration system. Soluble oil will adhere to the microbial sediment and the microbes being unable to receive oxygen from the aerators, so decomposition of waste from effluent is reduced and caused high suspended sediment. The effluent water quality finally failed to meet the regulations. When this suspended sediment is accumulated in the wastewater tank, it also produces hydrogen sulfide gas, very poisonous, corrosive and flammable, the wastewater treatment area smells foul odor of rotten eggs.
ECONOWATT’s MBDAF ® water treatment system for treating oil contaminated waste water
is considered as an innovation product. It has been registered in the Thai Innovation Accounts by the Bureau of Budget and has different capabilities from other systems such as
1. Eliminate up to 90% of Oil & Grease
2. Get rid of up to 70% of suspended solids (SS)
3. Reduce BOD and COD in insoluble form by up to 50%
4. Increase oxygen in the water Increase the efficiency of microbial systems
5. Automatic control, also known as Smart Water Treatment System, does not require staff to adjust the water valve. Reducing personnel to treat wastewater systems
6. Equipped with 4G monitoring system to check the operation of the MBDAF® and water quality, reducing time and maintenance costs. Allowing users to check the machine’s performance and water quality in real-time at any time on the mobile phone
After the water has passed the ® system to the output will separate in 2 parts.

Firstly, the oil and grease that are separated into liquid form, which still has water. ECONOWATT has introduced a sludge dehydrator system that compresses the oil and grease together into fat blocks or cake for easy removal. Not only compress oil and grease into the cake but can also squeeze more water after compressing the oil and grease in liquid form.
Secondly, the free-oil & grease water after passing through ®, the suspended solids in water can be removed 70 % from the system before enters to next wastewater treatment process such as aerated system.
Smart Water Treatment System provides system control, monitoring, logical sequence, warning, alarm, and report for system data and parameters of the process. The water treatment process will run automatically with 4G online monitoring that sends back the process’s performance and water quality in real-time or trackback to check the monthly performance of the system on mobile phones, laptops, etc.
Customer’s satisfaction guaranteed, ECONOWATT’s Smart Water Treatment System will detect the valuable data according to user criteria whether the system is normally operating or abnormally. Data will be sent online to the server and immediately link to display on the building management system. If the system is abnormal, the system will use collecting data and parameters to solve the problem by using data analytic and rechecking by the expertise. Our online expert and operators can advise and send all information to the local service team during maintenance or repairing the system in order to assure process designed performance.
ECONOWATT's MBDAF skimmer system

Comparing Oil & Grease wastewater before and after using ECONOWATT’s ® system

ECONOWATT is expert in enegy conservation, water and air treatment solutions. If you are interested in knowing more about our solutions, we are welcome to serve with your problems.