Wastewater is any water that contains unwanted substances or sewage. The contamination of these impurities will change water properties to a bad condition that cannot be reused or recycle. The contaminants in the wastewater are oils, fats, detergents, soaps, insecticides, organic matter that causes putrid and germs for various sources. The wastewater is divided into 2 major sources as
1. Waste water from community sources, comes from activities for the livelihood of our people such as housing estate, condominiums, hotels, fresh markets, hospitals, etc.
2. Waste water from industrial activities, mainly waste water from the production process of industrial plants that contain toxic chemicals and heavy metals, including highly concentrated organic substances.
Selection of treatment methods and treatment technology must consider the quality of the waste water, the treatment area, as well as the maintenance of the wastewater treatment system that is suitable for the wastewater in each location in order to get clean water that meets the regal standards before discharging.

General wastewater treatment will start from the grease trap, aerator pond, and sedimentation pond, but the problem will be encountered when the water contains emulsion because the grease trap cannot separate the oil from the emulsion water. Therefore, causing problems in aeration ponds when the emulsion encapsulates microbial sediment lead to insufficient oxygen for microbes. When the water pass through sedimentation system, the microbes covered by the emulsion will float up on the surface, causing hydrogen sulfide to emit foul odor around the area. Another wastewater with strong acid-base values must undergo chemical treatment that is dangerous to personnel to add chemicals and pesticide residues.
ECONOWATT has seen these problems and therefore invented the MBDAF® system to solve oil and grease removal problems as well as emulsion that is contaminated in wastewater to reach the effluent standard.
® water treatment system for treating oil contaminated waste water
is considered as an innovation product. It has been registered in the Thai Innovation Accounts by the Bureau of Budget and has different capabilities from other systems such as
1. Eliminate up to 90% of Oil & Grease
2. Get rid of up to 70% of suspended solids (SS)
3. Reduce BOD and COD in insoluble form by up to 50%
4. Increase oxygen in the water Increase the efficiency of microbial systems
5. Automatic control, also known as Smart Water Treatment System, does not require staff to adjust the water valve. Reducing personnel to treat wastewater systems
6. Equipped with 4G monitoring system to check the operation of the MBDAF® and water quality, reducing time and maintenance costs. Allowing users to check the machine’s performance and water quality in real-time at any time on the mobile phone
In addition, ECONOWATT’s MBDAF® water treatment system can increase the efficiency of water treatment from the original treatment system up to 20-50% by using less than 10% of the original area. Therefore, ECONOWATT’s MBDAF® system is accepted by government agencies and is accepted by customers in various projects nationwide.
ECONOWATT’s Ozone Generator which have ozone mixing efficiency up to 80%. Ozone is a very strong oxidant and act 3,125 times faster than Chlorine. It is commonly used to destroy bacteria, kills viruses, decolorizes and eliminates odors. Ozone is no residue, no carcinogenic and friendly environmental. Unlike Chlorine, when react with organic compounds in water will produced THMs (Trihalomethanes) one of occupational carcinogens.
In addition, ECONOWATT’s recycle water treatment system can increase the efficiency of water treatment from the original treatment system up to 20-50% by using less than 10% of the original area and environmentally friendly. Therefore, ECONOWATT’s recycle water treatment system is accepted by government agencies and is accepted by customers in various projects nationwide.

ECONOWATT is expert in enegy conservation, water and air treatment solutions. If you are interested in knowing more about our solutions, we are welcome to serve with your problems.